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Where is God for you?

Dave Emery

This day finds me perplexed and intrigued.

I love to control my life. I choose what I do, when I do it, and where I do it. This very blog is a deed in point.

I have chosen to write a weekly Lenten blog. I have chosen to do so on Monday mornings. I have chosen what they will include and how long they will be.

So, then I believe that this season of Lent is an engaging one as we are invited to deepen our faith and examine our lives.

We therefore, examine what we choose to do, and what we decide not to do. Will we spend more time in prayer? Will we spend less time distracted by obstructions to our prayer lives? Will we center our lives on Jesus Christ, choosing to follow him closer, better, and more clearly?

Again, I encourage you to spend more time in prayer and devotion this season. Spend more time in studying God’s Word and hearing what God is saying to you. I encourage you to do acts of mercy and compassion to those around you.

In so doing may you be enriched, enhanced, and emboldened in your faith this Lent.

This is my exhortation to you.

So, I pray that you have a blessed and meaningful Lent. Amen

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