Dear Friends:
One of the cool images in the Old Testament is of the people of Israel going up to Jerusalem, and the temple, for the celebration of their festivals. These were family times, times of looking back and thanking God for what he had done, times of looking forward expecting good things ahead—times of great joy.
I’m telling you this to invite you to church this Sunday (September 11) for our fall kick-off.

We’ll be talking about some of the things that will be happening in the coming months.
It will also be a time to look back as we acknowledge and thank Gean Ross for almost 60 years of life in our church before she moves to Portland in the days ahead.
I’ll be starting a sermon series on the disciple Peter’s first letter—a book with a powerful message for us today.
It will all be a celebration of God’s goodness, and a time of connection and fun as we have a potluck after church.
I hope you’ll join us whether you’ve been attending regularly, or you’ve been gone for a while. If the later, let this be a home-coming! I know some of you are still worried about COVID; if you still want to wear a mask let me assure you, you’ll not be alone.
If you can’t join us in person, I hope you’re able to catch us online with the live stream, or even watch the service later in the week from the website or our YouTube channel. If you don’t know how to access these ways of being part of our church please give Aries a call at the church office 360.532.1330. Either she or I will be glad to help.
I’m looking forward to seeing you Sunday morning!