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Here We Go!

Dave Emery

The new year is here. We have had Epiphany Sunday and The Baptism Of Jesus Sunday and we are off and running in a New Year.

We have renewed hope as we face the days ahead. We know that we will still see signs of disruption and upheaval. We will still see signs of disease and illness. We will see signs of difficulties and challenges. However, we can rest assured that we are in God's hands. We are not only equipped to face adversity with faith and courage, but I am convinced that we face these days with hope and joyous expectations.

This is true for our church as well. We are in an exciting time. A time of shared discoveries and change. A time of growth with God, in God and for God. A time of self-examination, unity building and a desire to move forward into a realized faith.

To help us in this regard we are initiating the Congregational Assessment Tool survey to see where we are, who we are and what we are all about.

Your participation in this endeavor is crucial. We need your thoughts, prayers and ideas. We need to hear from you. Please, take the 30 minutes or so to complete the questionnaire. Your responses are completely anonymous and confidential.

You will receive a computer website link to the survey in the next few days. On the 14th this link will go active and you can take the survey. Your prayerful response is essential to our moving forward together. If you can't use the link you can ask a friend to help you, or you can request a paper copy from the church office.

We are excited about our future as God's faithful people. We are excited about our role in the lives of those that join us. We are excited about our involvement in our community, country and world.

We are looking to each of you to help us. We need your involvement. Please assist us in our efforts to further the ministry of Jesus Christ together.

Jesus tells us: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

What are those things we are called to be and do that will shine light on others? We know that with the responses you will provide we can be that beacon of light for Aberdeen, Hoquiam and the surrounding communities.

May God Bless you and Keep You now and forever.

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