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Finding the Right Leaders for A Bright Today and a Glorious Tomorrow

Dave Emery

Leadership in every church I have served has been amazing. I love how folks get together and make big decisions that positively effect ministry for the church.

We are at an incredible crossroad in our community, nation, and world. We can live godless lives focused on our own needs and desires. Or, and hopefully this will be the case, we can live caring lives helping ourselves, those near to us, and those around our world live lives of hope and faith.

These are the very choices of life.

In order to look at this and explore ways to do this, we have just completed and received approval of our Mission Study Report.

We have been working on this report for most of this year. It is filled with understandings of who we have been, who we are, and where we are planning to go as a church.

If you would like to read the report it is available in the office, or you can request a digital copy which we will gladly email to you.

The primary conclusion is that we want to embrace and welcome young people to the faith, and we want to reach out into the community by meeting needs and sharing the good news of the Gospel.

We are starting this now as the session considers the opportunities we have for ministry. And we are planning for the future as we seek our next pastor to assist us as we move forward together.

To do this we will be electing new board members to the session and deacons on the 13th of June following worship. At which time we will likewise be electing members of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) to seek and find the new pastor for our church.

These are unique times in which we live. This poses significant opportunities to witness to our faith. I ask for your prayers as we do this. And, in particular I ask for your continued prayers for our leaders as we elect them and installed them in the weeks ahead.

We hear in talking about the church in 1 Peter 2:9-10:

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

May we so search our hearts and open our minds to the powerful word of God that will direct us and lead us now and into the future. Amen

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