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Easter Week Schedule

Doug Basler

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Hi everyone,

Most of you will be getting a letter in the mail in the next few days (if we have your address). That letter contains the schedule for this week plus the bulletin for Easter Sunday.

But, since everything is a little slower right now we thought we should email you the schedule as well.

** We really need people to send in a short video of you and your family saying "He is Risen Indeed" for the Easter service. Since we can't be together we at least would like to see as many of you as possible. Details on this are below in the schedule.

Holy Week Schedule

Most of the opportunities for the next month or so will be on-line. We realize this is not ideal for anybody (life was not meant to be lived virtually) and we also realize this is not possible for some people who do not have access to this type of technology or have a hard time navigating technology. Pastor Doug and Aries Light can be reached to try and help answer questions.

We do not want these on-line events to substitute for personal connections (right now the best way to do that is to call one another on the phone). If you are not able to access these online options we are sorry and we will continue to reach out to people by phone. We are including prayer suggestions, Scripture readings, and the bulletin so that you can at least do the readings and prayer time with us even if you are unable to watch or participate online.

Maundy Thursday Service (Zoom) and Prayer Walk

Thursday night at 6:30 we will have a short Maundy Thursday service on-line and then we want to encourage you to go on a prayer walk with your families around your neighborhood.

The Service will be on the Zoom Conference platform on-line. You will receive an email with a link on Wednesday afternoon. If you open this email with a laptop or desktop computer with a camera Thursday night and click the Zoom Link in the email it should automatically take you to the service at 6:30. If you are using a tablet (ipad, kindle, chromebook, etc.) you need to download the Zoom App first from the App Store (it’s free) and then put in the meeting ID number that will be in the email.

** We encourage you to have your laptop or tablet at your dinner table during this service (if possible) and we will “eat” together during the service. The service will only be about 10 minutes with a Scripture readings, a prayer and a short devotional. After the service we will have a brief fellowship time with one another via Zoom and then we encourage you to go out for a prayer walk.

* Prayer walk ideas (for Thursday or any day) are on the next page

*If you have never used Zoom before we will do a trial run at 11am on Wednesday morning. We will send you a link for this meeting on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday morning at 11, click on the link in your email and Aries and Pastor Doug will try to help people who are having trouble getting logged in.

Good Friday Community Day of Prayer and Fasting

Churches in Grays Harbor are joining together to pray for our community, nation and world. On the next page you will find a list of scripture readings and prayer ideas for morning, afternoon and evening. There will also be 3 live-stream prayer times at 9am, 12 noon, and 6pm if you want to watch those. Pastor Doug and Mattaniah and Ericka Corban will be helping at the 9am prayer time. This will also be a day of fasting if you would like to participate.

Easter Sunday Celebration Service 10am – Online

Join us for Easter worship online. The service will be available at both: or

A bulletin for the service is enclosed. Please join in the liturgy of the service at home.

** Help us make this Easter Service feel as “connected” as possible. If you have a smart phone or tablet please take a short (5-8 second) video of you and your family saying “He is Risen Indeed.” We will (if possible) get these videos into our Easter Worship service so that we can all see each other and remind one another that Christ is Risen! If you cannot take a video please send a picture. Aries suggests you send these pictures to her personal email (it works better than the church email address). Please send these by Wednesday so she has time to get them in the video for Sunday morning.

Aries Email Address is

The easiest way to do this is to take a short video on your phone. Then send the video as a text message to Aries’ email address. So instead of a phone number put in in the contact line and attach the video or picture in the message. Or you can email it as an attachment.

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