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Announcements and Prayer Requests from 3/29

Doug Basler

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to get some announcements out for the next week or two.

(1) No in-person worship next Sunday (April 5). With the Stay-Home, Stay-Healthy restrictions in place for another week and half we can't gather next Sunday. Easter Sunday (April 12) is not official yet but it seems unlikely we'll be able to gather but stay posted.

(2) Food Bank - The Aberdeen Food Bank is still distributing every Tuesday afternoon. So far they have the food and volunteers they need, and they are attempting to keep the volunteer staff small and the same so they can control who is handling the food. So, we will keep you updated on any needs they have.

(3) Video Worship - the video of Sunday morning has been kind of spotty the last couple of weeks. We will keep working to try and make that better. We may try to pre-record and have more control over the quality - but we'll try to get that better.

(4) If you have needs - financial, physical, or otherwise please reach out. Feel free to send an email - or

(5) If you are wondering about how to give to the church during this time there is an online giving option on the website. On the homepage there is a Giving link. Or you can mail a check to the office, we are checking the mail regularly.

(6) We will experiment this week with some Zoom small groups and see if that would be helpful for anyone. Stay tuned.

(7) Here are two links to articles I found helpful this week - one of which I referenced in the service this morning.

Grace and peace. Keep praying for one another and reaching out.


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