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A Time Like No Other

Dave Emery

Are we ready for this moment? Are we able to deal with life as it is and bring a hopeful reality through our Lord Jesus Christ?

I attended a webinar recently put on by Right Now Media and it was called Ministry During and After a Crisis. It was all about who we as the church need to be today. And I share with you it challenged my previous complacency and established

comfort zone. After proposing that we are in extreme and important times, it was stating that we need to share with a world (our neighbor figuratively and physically,) the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If there was ever a time that we need the assurance and conviction that Christ is with us, for us, and in us, it is now. We need to be spiritually ready for this moment. Our whole lives have been building up to this new reality. We have been preparing for a time like these.

It is tempting to so eagerly long for the comfortable and familiar way things have been in the past that we fail to see how things will be in the future.

There is a need for the prophetic voice amid this crisis. That prophetic voice challenges the way things have always been and at the same time offers a better way of being. I think of the familiar and wonderful scripture which tells us we are new creations in Christ Jesus.

We hear in 2 Corinthians 5:17:

So, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!

What if this is really the case? What if what we hold on to so strongly and forcefully in the past, isn’t going to be a part of our future? What if it is all going to be fresh and new?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily like this either. I love the history and tradition of the past. The past has served me well. But I have to ask: what if God is calling us to a new future?

We have been called for a purpose: Matthew 28:19

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

There are many people in the wider church reminding us of this Great Commission. We know that this is not new, yet in so many ways this is brand new. This is life giving, life directing, and life enriching.

So, therefore I ask you: are we ready for this moment? Will we share something more with our world than what we have clung to in the past? We have the words of hope and life. Let us share this with everyone who will hear and believe.

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