Dear Community and friends of First Presbyterian Church,
The elders wanted to give you a quick update on what the current plans are in response to the COVID19 virus that is spreading throughout Washington and beyond. Obviously new information is always streaming in and we plan to remain flexible and change our approach as necessary along the way.
This is one more opportunity to trust in God and love our neighbor.
Trusting God means not acting out of fear but out of love – the hallmark of our faith is the sovereignty, power and goodness of God. It also means using wisdom and prudence.
Loving people means looking “not only to our own interests but the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4). That could be any number of actions – it might mean being prepared to care for those who are sick, pick up groceries and supplies for those who are more vulnerable and susceptible and shouldn’t go out, it might mean avoiding people out of love because we don’t want to pass on the virus unknowingly, it might mean canceling worship on Sundays to keep people safe, it might mean helping the Deacons provide financial help for those whose paychecks are impacted by a temporary loss of work or sickness. In all cases it will mean encouraging one another on in faith, hope and love.
As of today here is our plan for church life:
We will worship this Sunday at the normal time here at the church building. If you are sick we ask that you stay home out of love for others.
If you are more vulnerable because of health concerns and do not wish to come we fully understand that, please stay home and not put yourself in any undue risk and we will make the sermon available online.
We will cancel communion this week and instead of passing the offering plate we will have a basket in the back where you can drop off any offerings.
Coffee and fellowship time will be canceled to avoid sharing the same tray or food.
We will either post-pone our mid-week discussion groups or we will meet at the church in the open library area. Look for a phone call, text message or email from your small group host or the church office this week.
We very well may cancel worship in future weeks depending on how things progress.
We are receiving guidance from the denomination and will listen to the response of the health community. We will communicate as quickly as we can as things progress. Pray, call each other, look out for those who are anxious, and reach out if you have questions or concerns.
God is good. Here is another opportunity to show the love of Christ to each other and to the community around us.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Doug and the Elders of First Presbyterian Church