The season of Lent is one of introspection and increasing one’s spiritual practice. One may choose to give up something significant for the season of Lent.

Not necessarily something that you would want to give up anyway. Rather it something you value and cherish. The idea is to deprive oneself of something significant in order to experience the scarcity Jesus experienced in the wilderness. Likewise, it is something you look forward to restoring at Easter. This gives you the temptation awareness as well as the celebration when it is reinstated.
You may wish to spend more time in prayer and in reading the Word of God. You may wish to do something special in adding a positive and caring activity in Lent. You may reach out to someone new by phone or email. In so doing you would spend quality time with the other person. Or, you may choose another way to honor Lent.
We are asking whatever you choose tha
t one of the things you do for Lent is pray for our church. You should be aware that we are in a time of reflection and determination of what our ministry will look like. We are exploring the ways in which we can make a difference in the lives of members and friends engaged in ministry with us. We are considering the ways in which our ministry may impact our community in positive and helpful ways.
So please spend some committed time in prayer for the church. For the next 40 days beginning on Ash Wednesday, we are encouraging and hoping that you will join us in prayer.
Joel 2:12-13 12 "'Even now,' declares the LORD, 'return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.' 13Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he i
s gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity."
This may too be a time of prayer to God for the healing of our nation. A time to lift all those afflicted with COVID 19 praying for healing and restoration to good health. And a time of lifting the end of the pandemic. That the spread be eradicated and we will return to a time of normality.
40 days of prayer is a privilege and opportunity to draw our hearts closer to God.
Join us, won’t you?
And may the blessings of Christ fill you and sustain you through this Holy Lenten season!