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Dave Emery

It Has Been A Great 40 Days in Prayer

I want to first and foremost thank everyone who has been involved in praying for our church over the last 40 Days. I believe completely that our prayers are important. I believe that our prayers are heard by God. I believe God answers our prayers. Likewise, I believe that God assists us in our prayers.

These prayers I am convinced are and continue to be answered.

Over the last few months, we have done several things to examine our call of God here. We have engaged in the taking of the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT); we have engaged in these 40 days of prayer for the church; we have looked at the demographics of our church and community (this is available upon request); and we have participated in a series of sermons and discussions on the 7 marks of a vital congregation.

We have done this to seek and determine where God is leading us as a church. We are looking at who we have been, who we are, and who God is leading us to be. We are summarizing this in what we refer to as our Mission Study.

This Mission Study will form the basis of our ongoing ministry. Also, this mission statement will be used by the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) to assist them in preparing their Church Information Form (CIF.) This CIF will be used to let prospective ministers know who we are, where we are going, and what kind of skills we are looking for in our next pastor.

Finally, I want to ask you to pray this week in particular for our Session. The elders will be meeting this Saturday the 10th of April to prayerfully consider the work of our church and where God is calling us to ministry. The elders of our church as they meet will take all that we have learned and done in preparation for this time and determine what activities we will prioritize in our ministry together.

Please, pray for insight, wisdom, courage, and energy for how God is leading us at this time. This is an exciting time as we focus on our call of God to be used for Him here in Aberdeen and our surrounding communities.

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